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Enhancing Security Module to Prevent Data Hacking in Online Social Networks

M. Milton Joe1 and B. Ramakrishan2
1. Department of Computer Application, St. Jerome’s College, Nagercoil, Tamilnadu, India
2. Department of Computer Science and Research centre, S.T.Hindu College, Nagercoil, Tamilnadu, India
Abstract—Online Social Network (ONS) is the easiest platform to connect with one another. There are many Online Social Networking websites exist to bring up the reliable communication among the users. Facebook, Orkut, Google+, Twitter, MySpace, etc are some of the Online Social Networking websites. All the social networking websites provide the interface formally known as profile, to share their willingness with others. The users of these websites could share their feelings, photos, text file and even whatever the user wishes to provide. All the Online Social Networking websites bring the friends, family members and relatives together to share their desires in a fast track manner, however still it lacks in security module. The shared photos and information are freely open access to all the users of social networking websites. When the photos are freely available, the unauthorized users can easily access the photos of others and download it. Once the photo is downloaded, that image can be misused widely such as creation of fake profile and the photo can be sold to other nuisance websites. This kind of data hacking activities in online social networks even leads the life to death. In this paper, data hacking in online social network is considered and a novel mechanism is presented to prevent the data hacking.
Index Terms—online social networks (OSNs), internet, security, hacking, data

Cite: M. Milton Joe and B. Ramakrishan, "Enhancing Security Module to Prevent Data Hacking in Online Social Networks," Journal of Emerging Technologies in Web Intelligence, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 184-191, May 2014. doi:10.4304/jetwi.6.2.184-191
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