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MGI-LEACH: Multi Group LEACH Improved an Efficient Routing Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks

Alami Chaibrassou and Ahmed Mouhsen
Research Laboratory in Mechanical, Industrial Management and Innovation Faculty of Science and Technology, Settat, Morocco
Abstract—The wireless sensor networks (WSN) are composed by a large number of micro sensors that are randomly deployed in an area of interest to supervise or monitor various phenomena (temperature, pressure, humidity ..). The wireless sensor nodes are typically powered by non-rechargeable batteries which makes them constrained in terms of energy. As communication energy represents the largest part of the energy consumed in sensor nodes [1], so energy efficient routing is one of the main issues to prolong lifetime of wireless sensors networks. This paper proposes a hierarchical routing protocol called MGI-LEACH for homogeneous wireless sensor networks based upon the framework of LEACH such as the network is divided into multi groups to prevent the concentration of cluster head in a particular area of the network, and the cluster head selection is based on high residual energy and a short distance from the base station (BS) in each communication round, which minimizes the communication energy of wireless sensor nodes, and hence, increases lifetime of the whole network. Simulations using MATLAB software show improved lifetime in different levels of Grouping compared to the classical algorithm LEACH.

Index Terms—wireless sensor networks, network lifetime, sensor node, grouping.  

Cite: Alami Chaibrassou and Ahmed Mouhsen, "MGI-LEACH: Multi Group LEACH Improved an Efficient Routing Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks," Journal of Emerging Technologies in Web Intelligence, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 40-44, February 2014. doi:10.4304/jetwi.6.1.40-44
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