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Adaptive Learning

Soumaya El Mamoune1, Marouane El Mabrouk1, Loubna Cherrat1, Ahmed Hadioui1, Omar Kassara1, and Mostafa Ezziyani2
1. Information, Technologies System Laboratory, University Abdelmalek Essaadi
2. Faculty of Sciences and Technologies of Tangier, University Abdelmalek Essaadi
Abstract—The automatic programming is an essential phase in the adaptation of information systems because it allows the system to advance from its observations on the environment. The system is formed during the operation by creating gradually its own ontology of the domain; therefore it is necessary that the knowledge stored evolve in an automatic way and during operation without asking a large participation of the human user. In this sense, this article aims to analyze the different learning techniques and process the information relating to the context to which the objective of choosing the proper technique to the situation in order to facilitate the storage, access and exploitation of such information.
Index Terms—adaptive learning, automatic programming, scalable system, experimentation, adaptation.

Cite: Soumaya El Mamoune, Marouane El Mabrouk, Loubna Cherrat, Ahmed Hadioui, Omar Kassara, and Mostafa Ezziyani, "Adaptive Learning," Journal of Emerging Technologies in Web Intelligence, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 85-88, February 2014. doi:10.4304/jetwi.6.1.85-88
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