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A Serious Game for Training Health Care Providers in Interprofessional Care of Critically-Ill and Chronic Care Patients

Bill Kapralos1, Corrine Johnston2, Ken Finney1,3, and Adam Dubrowski4,5
1. Faculty of Business and Information Technology, Health Education Technology Research Unit, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Oshawa, Canada
2. Centre for Health Sciences, George Brown College, Toronto, Canada
3. TubettiWorld Games, Bowmanville, Ontario, Canada
4. SickKids Learning Institute, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada
5. Department of Pediatrics and The Wilson Centre, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
AbstractInterprofessional education (IPE) is a pedagogical approach that allows health care practitioners to provide comprehensive health care through the development of a clear understanding and appreciation of the roles, expertise, and unique contributions of multiple disciplines. Despite widespread agreement on its many benefits, there are several professional, curricular, structural, and organizational factors that present significant challenges to its implementation. Interactive virtual environments or serious games offer solutions to many of these barriers while augmenting the learning of skills, knowledge and attitudes requisite in interprofessional care in an environment that is interactive, fun and engaging.

Index Terms— interprofessional education, serious games, game-based learning, collaborative learning  

Cite: Bill Kapralos, Corrine Johnston, Ken Finney, and Adam Dubrowski, "A Serious Game for Training Health Care Providers in Interprofessional Care of Critically-Ill and Chronic Care Patients," Journal of Emerging Technologies in Web Intelligence, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 273-281, November 2011. doi:10.4304/jetwi.3.4.273-281
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