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Guest Editorial—Special Issue on Web Technologies

Richard Chbeir1 and Youakim Badr2
1. Bourgogne university, LE2I-CNRS, Dijon, France
2. INSA de Lyon, LIESP, Lyon, France (UK)
Nowadays, telecommunication technologies combined with Web-enabled technologies have transformed the Web into "a collaborative medium, a place where we [could] all meet and read and write" as reported by Tim Berners-Lee, the World Wide Web inventor. This new vision has created new opportunities but also raises many challenges and problems concerning collaboration, information sharing, social-based applications and usercentric services. This special issue attempts to addresses these issues and includes extended and revised papers from the International Conference on Management of Emergent Digital EcoSystems (MEDES) held in the city of Lyon, France in 2009. After a very tight review process, we have selected seven out of 25 papers to include in this special issue and shed the light on the latest advances in the field of Web technologies.

Cite: Richard Chbeir and Youakim Badr, "Guest Editorial—Special Issue on Web Technologies," Journal of Emerging Technologies in Web Intelligence, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 177-178, August 2011. doi:10.4304/jetwi.3.3.177-178
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