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Distance and Frequency based Route Stability Estimation in Mobile Adhoc Networks

Ajay Koul1, R. B. Patel1,2, and V. K. Bhat1,2
1. SMVD University/ School of computer Science and Engineering, Katra, India
2. M.M.University/Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Ambala, India
Abstract—This paper discusses the link stability estimation for Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs). In this approach the total time for which the link remains connected with the neighboring nodes is estimated. This helps to predict the stability of the route which is required to forward the packets to the destination. This method does not use the selection of the next hop on the basis of shortest distance, but is based on the time period for which the next hop link remains connected. The parameters we use, are the distance and frequency and signal quality. These provide the way for a node to decide the best next hop neighbor and hence a perfect Quality of Service (QoS) is also obtained.

Index Terms—route stability, frequency, distance, MANETs, QoS

Cite: Ajay Koul, R. B. Patel, and V. K. Bhat, "Distance and Frequency based Route Stability Estimation in Mobile Adhoc Networks," Journal of Emerging Technologies in Web Intelligence, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 89-95, May 2010. doi:10.4304/jetwi.2.2.89-95
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