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Implementation of Web Ontology and Semantic Application for Electronic Journal Citation System

Riri Fitri Sari and Nuriana Ayuningtyas
Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia, Kampus Baru UI Depok, 16424, Indonesia
AbstractThis paper reviews web ontology and semantic application to create Indonesian electronic journal citation system. Ontology describes basic the concepts in a domain and defines the components relationship. We have created the basic building blocks of ontology design which include class, slot and instance. The aim of the semantic application built in this work is to classify information from an article in electronic journal and relate it with articles cited in it. The generated web allows user to search the relation among articles in electronic journal cited by particular article. The system has been implemented by ontology tool i.e, Protégé and the Mashup has been developed by PHP and MySQL. To update the application, Protege should be installed and used by domain expert or librarian. The result of the ontology model is in XML file. Librarian can submit the result through the web in the form of a system to upload and parse XML file into the database. User could find the citation for an article they searched for through the web based system. Testing has been performed by ten users to be able to find out the effectiveness of the system for the domain expert or librarian and for the web users. The results show that Protégé is an effective ontology editor to construct domain models for web ontology and the user interface generated in this system works well.

Index Termsontology, semantic web, protégé, citation, XML  

Cite: Riri Fitri Sari and Nuriana Ayuningtyas, "Implementation of Web Ontology and Semantic Application for Electronic Journal Citation System," Journal of Emerging Technologies in Web Intelligence, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 34-41, February 2010. doi:10.4304/jetwi.2.1.34-41
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