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Study on the Use and Impact of Online Social Networking in Egypt

Mahmoud M. El-Khouly
Mahmoud M. El-Khouly
Abstract—Joining social networking sites is mostly selective and motivated by self-awareness of the individual’s. After joining a social networking site, members are constantly evaluating the value of their membership and building their own perceptions towards the benefit and cost of being members in these networks. This paper strives to monitor the most important impact of using social networking sites in Egypt. Its intention is to offer analytical avenues for intellectual examination of what has clearly become of the most powerful and important socio-political phenomena of Egyptian society.

Index Terms—social media, network society, Egypt

Cite: Mahmoud M. El-Khouly, "Study on the Use and Impact of Online Social Networking in Egypt," Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 1-4, November, 2015. doi: 10.12720/jetwi.7.1.1-4
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