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A Cost Effective Load Balancing Scheme for Better Resource Utilization in Cloud Computing

K.PushpaLatha1, R. S. Shaji2, and J. P. Jayan3
1. M.Phil(Computer Science) Noorul Islam Centre of Higher Education, Thucklay, India
2. Information Technology, Noorul Islam Centre of Higher Education, Thucklay, India
3. Department of Software Engineering Noorul Islam Centre of Higher Education, Thucklay, India
Abstract—Cloud computing is a new rising paradigm, consists a pool of virtual resources for cloud users, where they can access, build and use different operations as per their need by just agree upon the contract called Service Level Agreement (SLA) with the cloud provider. Task Allocation and Storage Distribution are the two discussable issues while talking about cloud storage (Collection of VMs).Thus it is very important to the cloud provider for choosing highly efficient and maximum profitable scheduling and load leveling strategy to allocate resources to the various customers for their different operations. In this article a cost effective load balancing scheme for cloud computing is proposed that increases the performance of the resources by decreasing migration time and response time. The proposed system has a new task scheduling with load balancing technique (TSLB algorithm) associated with compression technique to increase resource utilization and to speed up the process.

Index Terms—task scheduling, load balancing, cloud computing,compression

Cite: K. PushpaLatha, R. S. Shaji, and J. P. Jayan, "A Cost Effective Load Balancing Scheme for Better Resource Utilization in Cloud Computing," Journal of Emerging Technologies in Web Intelligence, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 280-290, August 2014. doi:10.4304/jetwi.6.3.280-290
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