On-line Retrieval and Management System based on Wireless Communications for Schools
Adnan A. Tala’a
Ministry of Education, Private Education Sector, Irbid, Jordan
Abstract—Information keeping and manipulation is vital for any society. This paper aimed at combining the power of wireless communications with the strength of database information keeping through Internet as a media to make it possible to implement an automated record keeping system. The system not only facilitates remote record keeping, but also utilizes very popular devices to do so. The minimal cost and friendly environment of those devices adds to the advantages of the system. The way the system was implemented is by using a wireless portable device that sends a number of requests to Java servlets residing on a Web Server Which will manipulate the data, store it on the database and respond to the wireless devices with required information. The paper uses University Attendance taking as a case study that can be modified to be applicable for any of the record-keeping applications.
Index Terms—automation, record keeping and retrieval, wireless, GSM, attendance
Cite: Adnan A. Tala’a, "On-line Retrieval and Management System based on Wireless Communications for Schools," Journal of Emerging Technologies in Web Intelligence, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 176-181, August 2010. doi:10.4304/jetwi.2.3.176-181
Index Terms—automation, record keeping and retrieval, wireless, GSM, attendance
Cite: Adnan A. Tala’a, "On-line Retrieval and Management System based on Wireless Communications for Schools," Journal of Emerging Technologies in Web Intelligence, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 176-181, August 2010. doi:10.4304/jetwi.2.3.176-181