Commercial Activities through Mobile Phone Distributed Processing Integrated with Mobile Agents
Meisam Hejazinia and Mohammadreza Razzazi
Amirkabir University of Technology/Dept. of Computer and IT Engineering, Tehran, Iran
Abstract—The number of mobile phones is ten times more than the number of PCs today. They are ubiquitous, and provide the same processing power and memory capacity as PCs in early 90s. The mobile platform is a huge opportunity for future commercial transactions, and also many services could be conducted on them. The main challenge of this platform that hinders the development of commercial applications over it is heterogeneity in both wireless technology and the underlying hardware and software platform. Although J2ME facilitates developing application over this platform, developing application is still complex. Mobile phones should be equipped with a proper middleware that not only provides flexibility, and optimization, and usability, but also facilitates common modules for conducting commerce over them. By having such a middleware, traditional commercial applications could be redefined for this new platform. On the other hand different surveys conducted on mobile agent issues could not be applied on mobile phones due to their specific characteristics. We analyzed the mobile phone platform based commercial applications requirements together with mobile phone based mobile agents and proposed an architecture style to fill the gap, and excess the development of commercial applications integrated with mobile agents on mobile phones. We also described the existing challenges on mobile phones and the opportunities that mobile agents can provide with this new commercial activity enabled middleware on mobile phones. Different challenges are described. We provide solutions to these challenges in the form of software system including the architecture. By using the underlying society network, we will show how commercial services could be provided. Our architecture is based on mobile phone and the previous work on developing P2P computer supported collaborative work. Our contribution is providing the required mechanism to have mobile commercial applications Integrated with mobile agents on mobile phones. Our approach is a new break through to the new world of ubiquitous commercial services provided by mobile applications and mobile agents on mobile phones.
Index Terms—mobile phone, m-finance, m-retailing, J2ME, architecture, peer-to-peer, RMI, mobile agent, grid computing
Cite: Meisam Hejazinia and Mohammadreza Razzazi, "Commercial Activities through Mobile Phone Distributed Processing Integrated with Mobile Agents," Journal of Emerging Technologies in Web Intelligence, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 182-190, August 2010. doi:10.4304/jetwi.2.3.182-190
Index Terms—mobile phone, m-finance, m-retailing, J2ME, architecture, peer-to-peer, RMI, mobile agent, grid computing
Cite: Meisam Hejazinia and Mohammadreza Razzazi, "Commercial Activities through Mobile Phone Distributed Processing Integrated with Mobile Agents," Journal of Emerging Technologies in Web Intelligence, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 182-190, August 2010. doi:10.4304/jetwi.2.3.182-190