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Vocabulary Persona by using Ontologies

Gaou Salma1 and El Kadiri Kamal Eddine2
1. Faculté des sciences. Université Abdelmalek Essaadi. Av Jbel Hayane Lot Oulianti N 7 ETG 3, BP 565. Tétouan, Maroc
2. Faculté des sciences de Tétouan. Université Abdelmalek Essaadi. Mhannech II, B. P: 2121. Tétouan, Maroc
Abstract—Semantic Web add to all these resources that allow computer systems to "understand" the meaning by accessing structured collections of information and inference rules that can be used to drive reasoning automated to better satisfy user requirements. Standard description of Web resources proposed by the W3C, as the name implies, RDF (Resource Description Framework) is a meta-data used to guide the description of resources, to make it more "structured" information necessary for engines research and, more generally, to all necessary computer automated tool for analyzing web pages. The web is a new web sematique or all Web resources are described by metadata, which allows machines better use of these resources. Considering as a foundation specification FOAF (Friend Of A Friend), we use semantic structures (RDFa) to create an ontology and technologies in which it is implemented.Create a conceptual model (eg, an ontology) for personas and their uses in the context of humancomputer interaction we will present some screenshots of execution of application.

Index Terms—semantic web, FOAF, persona, vocabulary, ontology, persona.  

Cite: Gaou Salma and El Kadiri Kamal Eddine, "Vocabulary Persona by using Ontologies," Journal of Emerging Technologies in Web Intelligence, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 20-25, February 2014. doi:10.4304/jetwi.6.1.20-25
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